Australian Cheer Sport Alliance (ACSA) supports Sport Australia’s recently released position statement on physical literacy and its focus on the importance to health and wellbeing of all Australians.
Broadly and enthusiastically endorsed by sporting organisations, physical activity providers and education bodies, the Position Statement is a commitment to help all Australians, especially our children, bring out their best through physical activity.
Statistics show eight in 10 Australian children are not active enough and Sport Australia CEO Kate Palmer said it was especially crucial to help children develop physical literacy – the skills, knowledge and behaviours needed for healthy lives.
“Physical literacy is far bigger than just teaching our children how to play sport, it’s about putting them on the path to healthier, happier and more active lives,” Palmer said.
“You don’t give a young child a book and expect them to understand it confidently without first teaching them how to read, so why can’t we place a greater emphasis on teaching every child to be active, which is a fundamental skill that will benefit them every day, for the rest of their lives?
“Society often talks about the role of physical activity in combating health issues like obesity, which is true, but there’s so much more to be gained by teaching our kids the necessary skills to be active, including improvement to mental health. That means things like helping kids learn better in school, building their confidence, self-esteem and motivation, helping them form social connections and friendships, plus boosting their strategic and critical thinking skills.
“Physically literacy is about holistic development – physically, psychologically, socially and cognitively.
“The Australian Government has set a goal in the national sport plan to decrease physical inactivity by 15 per cent by 2030, and so improving physical literacy in children is vital. The quality of life for this generation and for future generations depends on it.”
The Position Statement complements Sport Australia’s release earlier this year of The Australian Physical Literacy Framework.
Sport Australia Position Statement on Physical Literacy
Sport Australia is committed to improving the lives of all Australians through sport and physical activity. We want more Australians moving more often because we know the enormous benefits to our health and wellbeing – physically, socially, psychologically and cognitively.
Success depends on generational change, with an emphasis on young Australians. Today’s environment and increasingly sedentary lifestyles mean many children are missing out on learning fundamental movement skills, like how to run, throw, kick, catch or jump. This is a vital first step in developing the physical literacy required to get Australians moving more.
Physical literacy is about developing knowledge and behaviours that give children the motivation and confidence to enjoy active lifestyles. Establishing active habits in children sets them on the path to happier and healthier lives, paving the way for a more productive Australia.
Educators, coaches and families all play a crucial role in promoting and developing physical literacy in children. This can be achieved through quality physical education, school and community sport programs and embracing daily play and physical activity.
Movement skills, like numeracy, reading and writing, can be learned. Research shows that children who engage in regular physical activity and improve their physical literacy, reap the numerous health benefits and also learn better academically.
Sport Australia wants all young Australians to benefit from these opportunities. We are committed to leading and collaborating with the sport, education and health sectors to ensure physical literacy is a core component of every child’s development and education.
Through this commitment we will strive to create a heathier generation of more active Australians.
For more information head to the Sport Australia website: